All ATSG customers take advantage of their dedicated state-of-the-art Vyatta virtual firewall that has all the standard security mechanisms as that of a physical firewall but works completely in virtualization. It enables next-generation virtual and cloud-based services by providing a flexible network solution that allows for the security policies of static datacenters and branch locations to be easily replicated within the virtual environment. Among the enterprise-class virtual security features offered by Vyatta Network OS are Stateful Firewall, IPSec VPN, SSL-based OpenVPN, intrusion prevention (IPS) from SourceFire and web-filtering.
The virtual firewall gets added and provisioned automatically on your very first order and it creates your network based on the CIDR you enter in the Network field on the checkout page. All other virtual machines get their IPs assigned from the virtual firewall through DHCP. You can manage various other firewall operations once it has been provisioned. You can buy Public IPs, create up to 6 private networks, enable port forwarding and NAT, and create IPSec VPN tunnels to create Hybrid clouds. All these operations are available under My Security tab in My Cloud section.
This firewall comes for FREE with the Hosted Virtual Desktops, however, there will be additional monthly charges if you only provision Servers.
The password you enter on the checkout page becomes the local admin password of the machine(s) and also the password for the remote console. The built-in remote console functionality in ATSG Cloud Manager allows you to access your machine(s) from your web browser using this password. You will have to enter the same password for logging into the machine until you change it directly in the operating system of that particular machine. Please note that you can also change your machine's remote console password from My Cloud section.
Password must be of atleast 8 characters long.
Domain names are used in various networking contexts and application-specific naming and addressing purposes. In general, a domain name represents an Internet Protocol (IP) resource. You need to specify a domain name in order to create a valid network inside the virtual firewall. All new machines provisioned within your cloud will automatically get an IP address and this domain assigned to them using the DHCP enabled virtual firewall. Please note that you can change the domain name later inside the virtual machines.
You can use any valid domain such as '', '', 'yourcompany.local', 'your-company.local' etc.
Domain can contain only alphabetical characters (A-Z), numeric characters (0-9), the minus sign (-), and the period (.).
More rules are:
You can use any of the valid IP addresses reserved for Private networks in this field. The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) has reserved the following three blocks of the IP address space for private networks:
The dedicated virtual firewall, which gets created automatically on your first order, will create a network based on the network address provided in this field.
Deprovision option is available with all virtual machines that are in power ON state. Deprovisioning allows you to deactivate virtual machines when they are no longer needed. When you deprovision a virtual machine, ATSG Cloud Manager stops the billing process for that and also moves it to "My Deprovisioned" section under "My Cloud". All deprovisioned hosted virtual desktops will stack up on the left side of the screen while hosted virtual servers will be on the right side of this section.
These machines stay there for 48 hours after they are deprovisioned and automatically get removed from your account afterwards. You can restore them during these 48 hours by clicking on Restore icon under Actions column. Restoring a virtual machine will move it back to My HVDs or My servers section depending upon the machine type. Your billing will also resume from that point onward until you deprovision it again.
The 'cloud location' is the geographical location of ATSG's physical datacenters. Currently, there are two physical datacenters that you can host your machines on . US-West is located in Los Angeles while US-Central datacenter is located in Chicago. When you select a datacenter from the dropdown, ATSG Cloud Manager displays the virtual infrastructure you have maintained in that datacenter alone. This is with the exception of the 'Order History' and the 'Reports' sections, which provide you with the details of your entire virtual environment with ATSG.
While placing an order for any ATSG product, you need to select the datacenter that is closest to you for best performance.
When you assign a dinDaaS to an email address on My HVDs page, ATSG Cloud Manager sends a link on that email address with the instructions on how to register the dinDaaS. Once the user is successfully registered the end user will get a confirmation email and then he/she can access the dinDaaS from anywhere using Google Chrome Browser and ATSG dinDaaS Chrome app.
You can assign multiple dinDaaS to one user as well on the same email address. That user will be able to see all machines in the dinDaaS app and can launch any dinDaaS he/she wishes to use. dinDaaS doesn't require any VDI setup and can be used soon after the registration process.
You also have the ability to un-assign the virtual machine(s) and assign it to some other user. For that, you need to click on Actions drop down in front of the dinDaaS on My HVDs page and click on Unassign. please note that un-assignment from may take few minutes to complete. You will be able to reassign machines only when they are completely unassigned.
By default, the minimum value of the DISK slider indicates the size of your C Drive/root drive. When you drag the slider to increase the storage space and place your order, ATSG Cloud Manager adds a new volume inside your virtual machine that becomes unallocated disk space.
For instance, if the minimum DISK slider value for a Desktop was 40GB and you provision 100GB, only 40GB C Drive will show up in your Windows desktop. You will be able to extend the remaining 60Gb to C drive or add another drive (for example, D Drive) by using the Disk Management utility available inside the operating system. Linux and Windows operating systems come with their own built-in utilities. Once the unallocated space is assigned to a machine, it becomes available inside the operating system.
Yes you can,...if